
From a blue collar background, Nick Beaton cuts through the bullshit of an overly bureaucratic society that takes itself way too seriously. Whether it’s done through his opinionated rants, hard hitting jokes, or his disarming “every man” personality, Nick Beaton is a favorite wherever he performs.

He has performed on 3 continents, 6 countries, and over 40 cities. His recent Edinburgh Festival show received glowing five star reviews, from both “Broadway Baby” and “Three Weeks,” the latter of which described him as having, “enviable confidence, timing, and manner of a comedian with decades of experience beyond his years.”

He has performed at Montreal’s International Just for Laughs Comedy Festival, the Icebreakers Comedy Festival and has received numerous accolades for his comedy, including being a myspace featured comedian and winning the 2007 Just For Laughs Toronto Homegrown Competition, as well as being nominated for two Canadian Comedy Awards including one for his comedy special that aired nationally in Canada.

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